Saturday, October 30, 2010

Avila Stables Inc.

Looking for a bit to train a green broke horse, reining or cutting horse? Look no further than Bob Avilas website that offers training tips and tips on how to use if world famous bits. Bob made headlines in 2007 by being the first person to ever win the Western States Horse Expo and has gained fame in the horse world ever since then. He has some of the top selling bits in the nation and for a good reason, they work like magic.

My favorite bit that Bob sells is the Avila Training Shank Three Piece Roller Bit, which is great for use on green broke horses. It needs minimal rein contact and is great for softening up horses. Bob's site also offers medium port shanked bits along with high port lifter bits. No matter what stage your horse is at in training, Bob Avila has the bit for you.

I have never read either of Bob's books "Win with Bob Avila" and "Be a Smart Horse Buyer" but I have heard great things about them. "Win" gives step by step training tips on how to become an expert horseman and is sure to help out even the most advanced rider. "Horse Buyer" covers what to watch out for while buying a new horse, including auction rings and online sights. Bob gives his advice on the best way to purchase a new horse.

Bob's sight is not as fancy as other horse trainers sights, but who has time to make a fancy sight when they are as busy as Bob. If you do get a chance to visit Bob's sight, be sure to see when he is making an apperance near your home town, because I'm sure its one appearance you wont want to miss.

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