Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Trails

Howdy ya’ll! I hope you have truly enjoyed visiting and reading the posts of Hoof Prints On The Heart as much I have enjoyed writing and researching them. Unfortunately, my time has come to a bitter sweet end as I will no longer be able to contribute to this wonderful web page. It has been a fantastic experience working with my co writer Raye, and I am going to greatly miss it. However, I do not feel as if I have the proper amount of time to commit to the continued writing and dedication this blog deserves. Therefore I have decided to say “Happy Trails” to ya’ll, but first I would like to leave you with the amazing experiences that Hoof Prints On The Heart has given to me.

What started as a simple page without any real destination or goal, quickly formed into a home and inspiration for horse lovers all over the world. The thoughts and experiences that I have had throughout my life gave me the words to fill this blog. However, I never expected to gain so much back in return from what little it seemed like I had to offer to this web page. By sharing bits and pieces of my life and love for my horses, I broadened and expanded my own knowledge and understandings. I was able to write approximately twenty eight different posts or articles that have contributed to making Hoof Prints On The Heart a part of what it has now become. I cannot help but smile at this small yet wonderful accomplishment.

Additionally, the cyberspace world is filled with hundreds of blogs, websites, videos, pictures, and wonderful stories about horses. However, Hoof Prints On The Heart provided me with an amazing and unique experience of becoming a part of a very small group of internet sources that focus their content on the equine showing industry around the world. It was a difficult task to find material to share with ya’ll at times, but it was an extremely rewarding experience to now look back upon something magnificent that I was able to be a part of creating. I would like to take the time to give a HUGE thank you to my co writer Raye. She has been an awesome partner and friend as we have tackled the task of making this blog a success. She helped to inspire me with ideas and new posts because she provided amazing support and friendship. Thank You Raye!

Well folks… this is the end of my journey. Thank you to all of the readers who have visited Hoof Prints On The Heart and have read and supported us. You have inspired me with confidence and a deeper passion for the amazing animals that we all love… our horses. Thank you again! Later Partners!

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