A Horse Show to raise funds
Many horse clubs or 4-H clubs have recently been holding fundraisor horse shows. A great way to become involved is to help your club put on a horse show to help raise funds for your local cancer hospital. A few fun ideas is to handout free breast cancer pins for riders, or even encourage riders to come decked out in pink!
A Trail Ride with your Barn
Another great idea is to do a trail ride with your barn to help raise funds. This is smaller scale than a horse show but you can still raise a good amount of funds. Have riders take pledges to ride a certain amount of miles for larger amounts of money. Open your trail ride up to other surrounding barns to increase the fun!
Offer Pony Rides at a Local Street Fair
What many barns have began doing is offering pony rides at city festivals to contribute to the fight. Charging a small fee or just working for tips is a great way to raise money. If this is something you interested in make sure you can be provided with a safe area for the horses away from traffic. Maybe even consider putting some pink ribbons the horses tack so they can look festive as well!
No matter what you choose to do, and no matter how much money you can raise, it will help the cause! If you are unable to do a fundraisor yourself, join your city in celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness. Some Events coming up in Lafayette, IN in the next month are:
- The Meyers Pedestrian Bridge between W. Lafayette and Lafayette will be decked out in pink for the whole month of October!
- On October 26th, K105 in conjunction with Mike Raisor Ford Mazda will be stretching donated bras across the Wabash to support awareness!
- There will be a benefit show November 5th at Lafayette Theather downtown featuring The Miller Band
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